
Jeju island sea women


When you come to Jeju Island, Korea, you will often see them at the beach: dark skin, long hair on his head, wearing a black wetsuit, carrying colorful backpack, a Mengzi headlong into the sea.They are famous Jeju sea women.They have the highest social status in Jeju island.

The first time I saw sea women

In this picturesque Jeju island fantasy, women not only represent a culture, but to shape the kind of spirit. In particular, as one of the most special group - female diver, but they weathered the legendary life, let us marvel and unforgettable.

Working four hours in the sea every day

Octopus, sea urchins, jellyfish are sea woman prey, but their main goal is to grow in the low tide line on the following rock a mollusk - abalone. Look closely and you will find the sea female wrists tied to a shovel in the seabed should be relied on reef prey pry down. Abalone outside the body wrapped in a thick calcareous shells, if not carefully shovel being caught abalone shells, sea-woman situation is very dangerous, sisters are killed every year.

In order to protect marine life, the South Korean government on profitability diving there are strict requirements. Therefore, the sea is a genuine woman who snorkelling. All of the equipment is only one of their swimming goggles, in addition to any modern equipment is illegal. Them in the sea every day a stay four hours, often dive to the seabed 20 meters depth, breath more than two minutes is a piece of cake. Reportedly free diving world record is 3 minutes and 38 seconds, if the sea women who look good training, to participate in the contest certainly could get the championship.

     Female sea often collective action, you'll see three or four people into the water to stand together, in unison, which looks rather like a synchronized swimming performance, and therefore attract a lot of tourists come here especially. Jeju Island tourist area and ultimately selling postcards of their presence.

    Jeju sea women who all of them are female headed

The history of Jeju sea women

In fact , until the 19th century , snorkelling or a man full-time . However, due to the government 's tax policy patriarchal : men heavy duty work , women work light duty . Gradually, her husband began to see their children at home cooking , while his wife is out fishing for sea food every day to make money . One day, a woman who became a diving skill from generation to generation , "sea women" this name came into being. With the rapid development of South Korea's exports and tourism , the surge in demand for seafood across the sea woman revenues became the main source of income at home .

    Today's women who are Fujie sea , they live in small fishing village , but has a house in the Jeju . 67 -year-old Yang Hua Shu is the sea from 8 years old female, she is now only dive 10 days each month , the annual income is still more than 30,000 U.S. dollars . She also opened another restaurant tourist areas , do not dive when she frequented the restaurant " inspection ."

    Improved economic status , social status sea woman have gone completely overturned the traditional patriarchal social structure of Korea . Most men and women inside the main village area outside Jeju , if someone gave birth to a girl joy for sure , a great feast , and if the baby is deserted. In Mali, the southernmost island , you will find the market to buy food , clothes are the man in the well , there are also the hostess thing the final say . If the husband has escapades , the wife can always break him remarry .

   Nobody sea female succession

   Most women do not want to let the sea female succession , spend lots of money to send their children to elite schools . But young people with higher education are willing to stay in the big cities to work , snorkelling Houjifaren . According to statistics, in 1950 there are more than 30,000 Jeju sea women , only 5650 to 2003 people, of which 85 % were aged over 50 years, of which only two less than 30 years old. Sociologists estimate that after this special group of extinct , custom light weight men and women on Jeju Island will disappear .

All day long soak in cold waters

We saw sea woman actual working conditions. Sea water is generally the first women who face before applying sunscreen and anti-corrosion grease, surface wear goggles, lifeline tied at the waist, wearing flippers. Then drew a deep enough breath, jump the sea, with a special knife, collecting shellfish, abalone, sea cucumber and conch and other seafood along the steep rocks. Here a true representation of women dressed in silicone sea tights, wearing goggles catch sea urchins, octopus, abalone, sea and pomegranate seafood real scene. Dark skin, long hair on his head, wearing a black wetsuit, carrying colorful backpack, a Mengzi headlong into the sea ......

The figure shows a woman being down sea diving.

Jeju sea women Museum

Is Sea Women Disappearing?

According to the guide, is now engaged in sea fewer female occupations, they are also among the youngest 57 years old, the largest are over 80 years old! Today's young people, the thought of so many hard to bear, women are reluctant to engage in this business the sea, the sea women facing Houjifaren situation. Woman is the sea itself, is not willing to let their children walk sea woman road. With hard saved money to send their children to school, but also for the future of keeping their children like themselves had a tough life.

Female sea as a past time is shrinking cultural phenomenon, but also insisted for many years, probably not for the tourism industry, this business can not quite up to now have two spoke. We are fortunate to see, I do not know whether our future generations can see?

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