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18 Personal Service Home Business Ideas
Personal Concierge
People who run their own home based business as a personal shopper, running errands for other people, are also known as a concierge service. Concierge are the people who work in fancy hotels, making sure the guest have all the extras they need. The concierge would book tours, order them a taxi or a limousine, whatever comes up. It’s a wonderful thing to have someone you can count on to help you with the little extras, if you have a lot on your plate, need help and can afford to pay for it.
Take photos of people at events. Photograph pets for their owners. Learn a little more about light and shadows then look for work as a professional photographer. You don’t need the expense of your own darkroom or developing film now so photography can be a simple home business.
Event Planner
Weddings, family reunions, local business events, there are endless events going on all the time if you track down the sources. Talk to a veteran event planner and see if you can apprentice while you get the hang of things and build your list of contacts and sources for cakes, flowers, party supplies and etc.
Local Newsletter Publisher
Your local area may already have a local newsletter, distributed in stores and other businesses in the area. If so, consider formatting your newsletter online instead. But, gather businesses who want to reach more customers and provide the content to fill the newsletter with news, tips, stories, events, and ads.
Packing and Unpacking Service
Not only can you work with real estate agents to provide a welcome to new people moving into the neighbourhood but you can offer your own service to help people pack to move or unpack when they move into their new house.
Pet Sitter/ Walker
If you like animals offer to pet sit for the evening or a weekend (or longer if you are able to). This may be in your own home or you may come to the home of the animal. If you can, offer extras like pet grooming.
Yard Work
Whether it’s raking leaves, shovelling snow, cleaning a pool for Spring… there is always outside yard work to be done.
Internet Services
Building a website is not the job it used to be. These days you can spend some time learning the software and put up a finished site in an hour. Not everyone wants to do this however and those people will pay to have someone do it for them. You can also set up their online portfolio with social media accounts. Offer Internet lessons to teach them how to use social media and update their site too.
What’s your best subject? Offer your services to parents with school children who need some extra help and your expertise. English, math, science… but don’t forget piano playing, sewing and other skills you have.
The idea isn’t to build up a collection for yourself but to find and add to the collections of others. Pick items which you have an interest in and know something about then search for them online, in second hand shops and from other collectors who may want to sell. Connect yourself to people who collect and want what you can find for them.
Graffiti Removal
Here, a local business is told to remove graffiti within a specified amount of days. This is left for the business owner to do and if it is not removed in time the city will fine them. So, graffiti, especially when it continues over time, is a problem and a headache. Watch for the businesses which tend to be hit and offer to clean it up. You could even get a contract to come out weekly and take that headache away for them.
Local Tours
Your town will have something interesting to see. Even if you can’t think of anything, there is a reason people are coming to your town. Find it. Offer yourself as tour guide and then… go a bit farther. Offer a walking tour of your town and talk about the history, the paranormal, the UFOs, the ghosts and hauntings. Work with people who run local events, have a bed and breakfast or other tourist related businesses – don’t forget great sources like the local library and museum too.
Home Staging
You may not want to clean someone;s house but you could help set up homes for sale. Look at their curb appeal, see what could be touched up and make to look better for the sale inside and outside too.
Personal Chef
Not a caterer who cooks for parties and events, but a personal chef who cooks for a family (or someone alone and needing a specific diet). You do the shopping and cook it too. Preparation could be at your own home but the idea is to serve the food hot in their home.
Clothing Repair
Can you sew? People need cuffs hemmed, buttons sewn on and rips and tears repaired. If you can do alterations add that to your list of services.
Even with the software out there to make keeping books easier, someone still needs to pull it all together on a regular basis. You could have a few businesses (even other home businesses) who you visit weekly to gather the paperwork, sort it out and enter it into the system.
Office Plant Maintenance
Find which businesses keep plants and offer your service to maintain them: water, prune them and fertilize.
Elder Care
Seniors living alone need company and help with things like running errands and organizing.
6 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Motivate Yourself
So if all you need is some motivation, where do you find it?Motivation is the better part of getting things done. You can be the most organized person in the world and keep all the lists that you want, but if you can't motivate yourself, you're not going to get anything done. The reverse is also true. Increase your ability to motivate yourself, and you're going to get a metric tonne of things done, from the small tasks that crop up every day to the big ones that make you a superstar on the job and around the house.
1. Talk to Yourself in the Second Person
For anyone who wasn't that great at grammar, that means calling yourself "you." Researchers at the University of Michigan found this to be a powerful means of motivation. Rather than telling yourself "I need to" do something, tell yourself "You can do" something. This was true across groups, helping even people with a lot of stress and anxiety about their tasks to get things done.
2. Learn to Love the Unpleasant Parts
One thing that just about anyone who has ever done resistance training will tell you is that you need to learn to love the burn or you're going to give up. The pain of getting tasks complete is, in a certain sense, inevitable. What's not is the suffering. If you embrace feelings such as stress and pressure, you're going to be able to turn them into advantages. Start looking forward to them, the way that a bodybuilder looks forward to the ache that comes from a tough workout.
3. Reward Yourself
It doesn't have to be anything big. It might be a trip to the water cooler, a cup of coffee, or a couple minutes messing around on Facebook. Little bribes, however, can help you to close the gap between what you "should get around to" and what's actually done. Use these little rewards to help you get through the day, while using bigger rewards (treating yourself to a decadent dessert, for example) to get the more Herculean tasks done.
4. Break Down Bigger Tasks Into Smaller Tasks
Often, people with severe depression have trouble getting out of bed in the morning. So what do their therapists have them do? Try to imagine pulling off the covers. From there, put one foot on the ground. Then another. It's a truism that the journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. So too do the hardest and most unpleasant tasks start with very simple steps. If you can't motivate yourself to clean out the garage and put everything on eBay, motivate yourself to walk down to the garage and take it from there.
5. Do Something Else
Maybe you can't even get down to the garage. OK. Instead of just sitting there watching TV avoiding what you know you should be doing, do something else. Clean the kitchen, pick up the dry cleaning, make yourself a pot of tea. When it comes to getting motivated, inertia is the enemy. Get moving, and you'll find it easier to transition from one task to another. Sit around and you're just going to continue to sit around. (See also: How to Break Bad Habits)
6. Take a Break
Ever been sitting at your desk at work, in the middle of doing a particularly arduous task? You're getting little bits and pieces done, but for the most part, it's just not happening. You're spending more time trying to motivate yourself than actually getting stuff done. The solution? Walk away. Take five. Don't stare into space. Don't mess around on Facebook. Stand up, walk away, take a break. Come back to the problem with a fresh set of eyes.
The ur trick? To make all of these as automatic as finding reasons to not get anything done. Make motivation automatic. You'll be glad you did when there's more stuff crossed out than not on your "to-do" list.
25 Healthy Recipes for Lazy People
Is lazy the correct word? We're all so rushed these days; it's probably more apt to say "25 Healthy Recipes for Normal People!" But whether you're short on time or just want a few more hours to spend with the kids, the pets, a good book, or your favorite TV show, these recipes can be made quickly and easily. And they're just as good for your health as they are your schedule.
Let's start with the most rushed meal of the day.
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But, it doesn't have to be the most time-consuming. In fact, these little wonders can be prepared in minutes, and they're way better for you than a bowl of cereal or a pre-packaged granola bar.
1. Southwestern Egg and Bean Wrap
The beans are optional in this quick breakfast wrap, and if you're counting calories you can always remove them (or another ingredient of your choice). At only 245 calories though, it's filling and delicious.
2. Kale Egg Bake
The buzzword of the moment seems to be kale. It's everywhere, and with good reason. It's versatile (try making kale chips; even the kids love them), and it's full of flavor. Thisbaked egg and kale dish is very easy to prepare, and if you make several you can reheat them for days after. (See also: Easy Kale Recipes)
3. Quinoa Breakfast Bake
Quinoa for breakfast? Sure, why not? And this breakfast quinoa recipe is actually more like oatmeal, flavored with cinnamon, allspice, maple syrup, and berries. Very simple to make, it bakes for an hour (it'll be ready right after you finish the Sunday crossword), and it is delicious. Leftovers taste even better.
4. Quick Breakfast Burrito
Mmmm, burritos. They are up there with sandwiches as a very versatile and easy-to-make meal. Fill them with fruits, meats, vegetables — you name it. This breakfast burrito recipecalls for the traditional blend of eggs, tomatoes, and chilis. And it's delicious.
5. Egg in a Frame
Egg in a Frame was introduced to me by my wife when I first moved to America, and I had a hard time believing it had taken me 26 years to try it. It's also one of the simplest breakfasts to cook, and you can vary the recipe by adding a little bacon, spinach, or different types of bread. You can even use raisin bread for a sweet and salty treat.
6. Bacon and Apple Fast Wrap
This very quick and easy breakfast wrap uses bacon, cheese, and a whole wheat tortilla. You can also vary the ingredients, substituting or adding avocado, lettuce, tomato, and banana peppers. (See also: Easy Breakfasts for People on the Go)
Forget the fast-food trap — it's loaded with calories and costs can really add up if you go daily. Most of these can be prepared at home quickly and easily.
7. Apple Curry Turkey Pita
Anything with curry in it gets my vote. In fact, did you know that curry has the same addictive qualities as chocolate, and releases the same endorphins? Try this curried turkey with apple for a sweet and tangy lunch. Add a little mango chutney for extra sweetness.
8. Shrimp-Filled Sweet Potato
This recipe for a baked sweet potato contains as much protein as four slices of turkey breast. But the flavor far exceeds anything turkey could ever bring to the table, thanks to the kielbasa and tangy shrimp. (See also: 45 Sweet Potato Dishes)
9. Chicken Satay
What's better than meat on sticks? Well, some would say meat in a cone, but I think sticks have it beat. Chicken Satay is delicious, very easy to make, and low in calories.
10. Spicy Couscous Soup
More Indian flavors come to the party, this time in a vegetarian dish that takes little preparation and cooking time. As with most Indian food, the flavors are bold and complex, but the recipe isn't. Enjoy this very filling soup that's low in calories
11. Chili-Spiced Salmon Salad
Make use of your blender or food processor to whiz up a tasty sauce for this salad, which can be assembled in minutes. And the flavors are well worth it.
12. Whole-Wheat Chicken Panini
At 570 calories per serving, this chicken panini proves that tasty food doesn't have to be fattening. If you don't have a panini press, you can get the same results from a hot pan. (See also: Best Panini Presses)
13. Prosciutto and Fig Panini
The wonderfully complex but complementary flavors in this lunch panini are well worth the shopping trip. You will need to pick up Fontina cheese and the best prosciutto you can find, but your taste buds (and your waistline) will thank you. And all it takes is 10 minutes.
It's probably the trickiest meal of the day to prepare. Everyone's home, and everyone's got different tastes (especially the kiddos). These ideas should keep even the fussiest family members happy and healthy. Some of these recipes are for one person, so increase according to servings required. (See also: Easy Make-Ahead Dinner Party Dishes)
14. Chicken Florentine
This delicious and healthy version of the classic chicken Florentine dish takes a little time, but it's not complicated at all. And when you're done, you will hardly believe this can be good for you.
15. No-Bake Macaroni and Cheese
Who needs the hassle of baking a mac 'n' cheese dish? This simple crowd-pleaser takes just 25 minutes to create, and it's both healthy and delicious. The addition of broccoli gives it a more well-rounded flavor than traditional mac 'n' cheese, but the kids should be fine with it. After all, everything's covered in a tasty cheese sauce.
16. Turkey Chili
Chili is all about good spices and long simmering. Although this turkey chili is ready in just thirty minutes, if you want the best flavors, let it simmer on low for a few hours.
17. Healthy Chicken Nuggets and Blackberry-Mustard Sauce
You don't have to feel guilty about serving up chicken nuggets. These chicken nuggetsare not deep-fried, but simply flipped in a pan with a little hot oil. And the cornmeal gives them a great crunch!
18. Creamy Avocado Pasta
You'll be amazed at how quickly and easily you can throw together a tasty pasta dish — just 15 minutes, a little over the time it makes to boil the pasta! And the results are worth sharing.
19. Zesty Stir-Fried Shrimp
The reduced fat and reduced salt ingredients in this zesty stir-fried shrimp recipe keep it healthy, but the tangy lemons and shrimp keep it a treat for the tastebuds. It's easy and impressive.
Finally, dessert. Many of these recipes are also low calorie, so you can splurge a little. And thankfully, these ideas are also just as good for your body as well as your hectic schedule.
20. Cantaloupe Granita
If you're looking for a healthier alternative to ice cream, this cantaloupe granita is perfect. It takes about an hour to set, but only requires about 10 minutes of actual work.
21. Light Peach Parfait
Take just 10 minutes out of your busy day to prepare a dessert parfait everyone will love. Make sure you use fresh peaches (grilled really makes a difference, too) and fat free topping.
22. Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries
A favorite around Valentine's Day, there is no reason not to enjoy this decadent little treat after any meal. As the main ingredient is fresh strawberries, you're being good to yourself, too.
23. Instant Apple Crisp
Rolled oats are the secret to this family favorite. But unlike traditional apple crisp, thisquick apple crisp will take just 10 minutes and won't be a guilty pleasure.
24. Baby Tiramisu
It's not often you see the word tiramisu on a list of quick and/or healthy desserts, but this one is the exception to the rule. It takes just 15 minutes to make, and it's delicious.
25. Instant Rice Pudding
Well, instant may be a strong word, but it's very quick. The addition of fresh fruit and the smart use of cooked rice (use brown for an even healthier version) makes this rice puddinga winner.
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Next Time Someone Tells You To Just ‘Get Over’ Your Anxiety, Show Them This. It’s Perfect.
Anxiety can be something that people live with long term. If you don’t have chronic anxiety, it is impossible to understand. You make think you know what it is, but it goes much deeper than the average person assumes. Sophie Wright tried to help shed some light on the situation with a helpful doodle she shared on her Tumblr. Having chronic anxiety isn’t just being nervous or overreacting to situations.
Once you read this, you’ll see.
If you know someone with anxiety, try to remember this helpful cartoon. Judging them or reacting to their emotions won’t help the situation. Being supportive and understanding, however, can.
Dating: Top 5 Tips for Both Men and Women
After interviewing gurus that counsel both men and women on dating, we noticed something that was quite curious. Some of their dating advice was actually gender-neutral and could be applied to both sexes. As we see it, good advice is good advice.
Here are the top five dating tips for both men and women:
Here are the top five dating tips for both men and women:
- Be Open Minded: The number one rule we have heard from both sides of the fence is to go into every date with an open mind. Your ideal partner, based on your personal checklist, may be completely different from the person that you could be truly compatible with. Everyone has this warped sense of who their perfect partner should be, but when interviewing countless older couples who have been married for more than 50 years – their life partners were completely different from the person they initially imagined.
- Don’t Research Before a First Date: In these days of Google and Facebook, it’s easy to be tempted to do a little research before you even go out on a first date. Don’t do it! You’ll get a false impression of the person, and can make strong judgments without even knowing him/her yet.
- Don’t Bring Baggage: Avoid talking about old relationships, negative experiences, etc. Have those conversations only after several dates. There is little to gain by dwelling on the past.
- Be Honest About Yourself: You can avoid specific topics early on, but don’t lie about things. Starting a relationship based on lies is never a good idea.
- Leave on a High Note: Keep a first date short, and it’s always better to leave on a high note. Meeting for coffee or a meal is great, but don’t make long drawn out plans for another date – excuse yourself and say goodbye. Better to leave the person wanting more.
How you may be able to quickly boost your free testosterone
You’re no longer a ‘twenty-something.’ And you may be noticing some changes.
Maybe it’s taking longer to recover from workouts. Maybe you feel sluggish. Perhaps you’re looking in the mirror and noticing that fat tends to ‘stick’ to your ribs.
Male testosterone production typically peaks at 30. After 30, natural testosterone production tends to decline by 1-3% a year. Maintaining an optimal testosterone level is vital for men who want to maintain strong overall health, libido, and well-being.
An article from Livestrong.com (which is run by the Lance Armstrong Foundation) states that declining testosterone levels can lead to a subtle yet gradual reduction in muscle density and strength.
And there’s a reason: testosterone is thought to help a man’s body turn fat into energy. It’s a simple formula: lower testosterone means less energy. So lower testosterone levels can change a man’s body shape and rob a man of his natural energy.
Some men opt for costly testosterone replacement, strange workout supplements, or any number of other radical solutions.
It’s important for men to understand they can boost their natural testosterone levels with the help of the right dietary supplement. One of the most exciting developments in this field has been made by a team of dietary supplement researchers based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
After extensive research, this team has developed a supplement with natural key ingredientsthat is reported to trigger your body into increasing its levels of free testosterone. The supplement has just been launched and is called Nugenix. The key ingredient is Testofen® which is made from the rare Fenugreek plant. Testofen® has suggested benefits of boosting free testosterone levels, increasing sex drive, and improving libido.
The proprietary Nugenix Testosterone Complex includes five additional ingredients to complement and augment the effectiveness of Testofen®. Nugenix is designed to deliver stamina, strength, and libido improvements in just days. Although most users report seeing the best results after one to two weeks of usage.
Studies from Irvine, California and Queensland, Australia have shown strong and even spectacular results with the key ingredient in Nugenix, Testofen®. Benefits include increased sex drive, improved libido, and enhanced muscle mass.
Nugenix is manufactured in the United States under FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). GNC stores secured the exclusive retail rights to Nugenix’s US launch and it’s carried in GNC stores nationwide. Right now, the company that has developed Nugenix is providing samples to customers who qualify for them online
Maybe it’s taking longer to recover from workouts. Maybe you feel sluggish. Perhaps you’re looking in the mirror and noticing that fat tends to ‘stick’ to your ribs.
Male testosterone production typically peaks at 30. After 30, natural testosterone production tends to decline by 1-3% a year. Maintaining an optimal testosterone level is vital for men who want to maintain strong overall health, libido, and well-being.
An article from Livestrong.com (which is run by the Lance Armstrong Foundation) states that declining testosterone levels can lead to a subtle yet gradual reduction in muscle density and strength.
And there’s a reason: testosterone is thought to help a man’s body turn fat into energy. It’s a simple formula: lower testosterone means less energy. So lower testosterone levels can change a man’s body shape and rob a man of his natural energy.
Some men opt for costly testosterone replacement, strange workout supplements, or any number of other radical solutions.
It’s important for men to understand they can boost their natural testosterone levels with the help of the right dietary supplement. One of the most exciting developments in this field has been made by a team of dietary supplement researchers based in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
After extensive research, this team has developed a supplement with natural key ingredientsthat is reported to trigger your body into increasing its levels of free testosterone. The supplement has just been launched and is called Nugenix. The key ingredient is Testofen® which is made from the rare Fenugreek plant. Testofen® has suggested benefits of boosting free testosterone levels, increasing sex drive, and improving libido.
The proprietary Nugenix Testosterone Complex includes five additional ingredients to complement and augment the effectiveness of Testofen®. Nugenix is designed to deliver stamina, strength, and libido improvements in just days. Although most users report seeing the best results after one to two weeks of usage.
Studies from Irvine, California and Queensland, Australia have shown strong and even spectacular results with the key ingredient in Nugenix, Testofen®. Benefits include increased sex drive, improved libido, and enhanced muscle mass.
Nugenix is manufactured in the United States under FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). GNC stores secured the exclusive retail rights to Nugenix’s US launch and it’s carried in GNC stores nationwide. Right now, the company that has developed Nugenix is providing samples to customers who qualify for them online
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